2023 Meetups

Filesystem Management with Flysystem

Filesystem Management with Flysystem

Reading and writing files locally comes with many nuances and difficulties. It becomes even more complex when files are hosted on external servers like SFTP, AWS S3, Azure, and other providers. Flysystem provides an abstraction layer between an application and interacting with the filesystems. Explore how to use Flysystem Adapters for seamless file management for writing, reading, moving, copying, deleting, and other file interactions. See how to set permissions, configure adapters, get file inf …

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Docker is Dead, Long Live Containers

Docker is Dead, Long Live Containers

Since Docker burst onto the scene, programmers have seen a radical shift in almost every ecosystem. From setting up environments to tooling to deployment, containers now influence many applications. The good news is that the idea of containers has taken hold, and we are no longer beholden to a technological monopoly. Let's look at the container ecosystem outside Docker and what a genuinely open, containerized future holds.

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Webhooks: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly

Webhooks: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly

Webhooks are a pillar of modern application development. They notify us of that new commit, an incoming text message, our email was delivered, and a payment was processed. Our systems can't function without webhooks sending data seamlessly and securely across the internet. But what happens if they're not secure? What happens if your webhooks are intercepted, manipulated, or even replayed against your systems? What are the best ways - as both a provider and consumer - to protect our systems? In t …

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Using Static Analysis To Improve Code Quality Across Both Backend and Frontend + Speeding up JSON queries with MySQL Multi-Valued Indexes

Using Static Analysis To Improve Code Quality Across Both Backend and Frontend + Speeding up JSON queries with MySQL Multi-Valued Indexes

This month we will have two talks! First, from Daniel Abernathy: This talk will cover Multi-Valued Indexes, a feature released in MySQL 8 which lets you index an array of values per row - perfect for improving queries that rely on certain JSON functions. And from Hunter Skrasek: Numerous technologies exist for creating web applications, with PHP and JavaScript being the most prevalent. Their dynamic typing and runtime execution capabilities allow for a seamless transition from prototype to fi …

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Lightning Talks: Middleware, Cloud Run, REST, CoPilot, Dusk

Lightning Talks: Middleware, Cloud Run, REST, CoPilot, Dusk

Mark on Laminias middleware Logan on using PHP with Cloud Run Ian on REST Requests Joshua on ChatGPT Github CoPilot Chris on Frontend testing with Laravel Dusk

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Symfony to Laravel: Lessons Learned

Symfony to Laravel: Lessons Learned

Symfony and Laravel have emerged as the leading MVC frameworks for rapidly building and deploying web applications using PHP. While each has its advocates and naysayers, let's compare them in a way that highlights the strengths of each and their approaches to aiding the delivery of value. Whether you're a tech lead wanting to better guide the maturity of your systems, an engineer looking to broaden your knowledge, or just wanting to know if PHP is a viable option as a component in your stack, aw …

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Mastering Resilience: My Accidental Acting Adventure

Mastering Resilience: My Accidental Acting Adventure

Are you ready to explore leadership from one of the galaxy's most badass Jedi Padawans? Luckygirliegirl Christina Aldan learned first-hand how embodying the character of Asohka Tano, a Jedi Padawan from the Star Wars universe, can help us understand essential leadership principles. Asohka's courage, compassion, and resilience have inspired countless fans around the world. Drawing from her personal experience playing the Asohka Tano character on the Las Vegas Strip, Christina shares practical ins …

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Using Hasura to add a GraphQL API to existing applications

Using Hasura to add a GraphQL API to existing applications

Hasura is an open-source application written in Haskell which provides a robust GraphQL API for any Postgres and MySQL database. This talk will provide a brief introduction to Hasura but focus more on pathways to integrate it into an existing PHP application - with a Laravel example. We will cover: * Authentication * Access control of database records * Applying mutations in server code

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Architecture Design Patterns for PHP

Architecture Design Patterns for PHP

Understanding the various code architecture design patterns can take years of hands-on experience, and benefits from surveying the wider development community. Get all caught up with this overview of a variety of best-practice patterns, including Strategy, Factory, Adapter, Facade, Repository, and more. Learn about the different pattern classifications, dig into pros and cons for each pattern, discuss SOLID implementation considerations, and see useful code examples to get you using each pattern …

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What's New In PHP 8.3

What's New In PHP 8.3

All the new features in PHP 8.3

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Behavior Driven Development and Browser Testing using Codeception

Behavior Driven Development and Browser Testing using Codeception

Codeception provides **PHP TESTING FOREVERYONE**by collecting and sharing best practices and solutions for testing PHP web applications. With a flexibleset of included modules, tests are easy to write, easy to use, and easy to maintain. Join Alena Holliganto start writing your own tests today. We'll focus on acceptance testing with a browser, but Codeceptionalso provides functional, unit, and API testing. We'll take a look at setting up Codeception and writingbasic tests before jumping into Beha …

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Participating Groups: Atlanta, Austin, Boston, Kansas City, Las Vegas, Phoenix, Portland, San Diego, Seattle, Utah, Vancouver

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