Using Hasura to add a GraphQL API to existing applications

Using Hasura to add a GraphQL API to existing applications

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Hasura is an open-source application written in Haskell which provides a robust GraphQL API for any Postgres and MySQL database. This talk will provide a brief introduction to Hasura but focus more on pathways to integrate it into an existing PHP application - with a Laravel example.

We will cover:

  • Authentication
  • Access control of database records
  • Applying mutations in server code

Presented by Anirudh Sanjeev

Anirudh is a Full Stack Engineer living near Toronto. He enjoys building things with PHP, Vue and Tailwind, and tinkering with vintage audio equipment.

RSVP: Austin, Boston, Kansas City, Seattle, Utah

Participating Groups: Atlanta, Austin, Boston, Kansas City, Las Vegas, Phoenix, Portland, San Diego, Seattle, Utah, Vancouver

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