2022 Meetups

Cool Tools for PHP Development

Cool Tools for PHP Development

In this talk, I'll crack open my toolbox and share some of the tools I use in daily development and why I think they improve the DX of projects I work on. We'll look at some familiar tools, such as PHPUnit and PHP_CodeSniffer, along with new tools like PHPStan and Psalm. I'll show how to configure these tools for better workflows through Composer scripts and plugins. We'll also see how to standardize your team's workflow with CaptainHook. By the end, I hope you'll leave with some good ideas for …

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Container-Native w/o k8s: PHP in ECS on AWS

Container-Native w/o k8s: PHP in ECS on AWS

When building Covie, I got to pick our tech stack, including where and how to run it. The choice was containerized on ECS with AWS, starting on Fargate.and so far, so good. We'll walk through how to set this stack up, with some tips and tricks along the way.

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Becoming a Bug Exterminator!

Becoming a Bug Exterminator!

Have you struggled setting up XDebug or finding out what's wrong on Production? If the answer is yes then this talk is for you! We will cover how XDebug works, Debugging in PHPStorm or VS Code, advanced features of XDebug, what has changed from XDebug version 2 to 3, debugging javascript, framework debug toolbars, common pitfalls using XDebug & Docker, war stories from my experience with production issues, SASS products to help you get more insight into your application, monitoring, logging, and …

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The ABCs and 123s of HTTP

The ABCs and 123s of HTTP

This talk is the ABCs and 123s of HTTP. We look at the verbs, the status codes, the headers as well as things like CORS, OpenAPI, and JSON Schema

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Docs and tests and tools, oh my!

Docs and tests and tools, oh my!

You may have heard the call for contributions to PHP, and you want to help. However, you don't know C, and don't want to become a C developer. Worry not, fellow PHP dev! There are other areas of PHP internals that need your help! This talk will pull back the veil on some of the lesser known areas of PHP docs and tooling that need sprucing up and improving.

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Symfony vs. Laravel

Symfony vs. Laravel

In this meetup, we will be having an open discussion on the features of Laravel and Symfony which are the two biggest frameworks in the world of PHP. We will be discussing pros and cons of each framework and going through setup examples, documentation, and just covering the 101 classes of these two amazing frameworks.

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Beyond the Shire: Advanced Lando Techniques

Beyond the Shire: Advanced Lando Techniques

Every hero starts their journey from the comforts of home. However, the real adventure starts when you set aside the comforts of Bag End to head for parts unknown. Now that you have a few projects running in Lando, aren't you curious to see what this puppy can really do? In this presentation we'll cover… Goblin Fighting: Tips and tricks to help consultants and web teams dealing with LOTS of projects. Ring Forging: The foundations of custom Lando plugin creation. Fellowship Founding: Getting s …

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JavaScript Development In The Modern Monolith

JavaScript Development In The Modern Monolith

Writing modern JavaScript applications can sometimes be such a pain. We know that JavaScript can be great for a user's experience and add whole new layers of exciting interactivity, but sometimes just the thought of having to leave our server-side PHP applications in the dust to build a single-page app can have us running for the hills. Surely, there must be a better way. And there is. Enter the Modern Monolith.

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Microservices in Your Monolith

Microservices in Your Monolith

In this talk we'll look at how you can take advantage of some of the serverless platforms without taking on the complexity of managing a separate deploy process, development repository, or having to worry about securing your microservice's API. We'll see how to package, deploy, and execute small functions to serverless platforms, all from your existing monolithic application.

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Take the helm and deploy at scale

Take the helm and deploy at scale

This talk will take you through the beginner basics of K8s and will show a good example of how to deploy a PHP app to a kube cluster. This will cover the basics of kube deployments, monitoring, and scaling.

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What's New In PHP 8.2

What's New In PHP 8.2

From new features like readonly classes, improvements to the type system, constants in traits, and backtrace parameter redaction, to changes and deprecations like dynamic properties, locale sensitivity in strtolower/upper(), and ${} in string interopolation, the latest version of PHP has something (or something to be aware of) for everyone...and it'll be released the day of this presentation! Tune in for info on how to get the latest version of PHP, detailed info on new features and changes, and …

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Participating Groups: Atlanta, Austin, Boston, Kansas City, Las Vegas, Phoenix, Portland, San Diego, Seattle, Utah, Vancouver

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