We brought OpenAPI Docs into our service catalog. Now what?

We brought OpenAPI Docs into our service catalog. Now what?

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With a large, globally distributed engineering department of over 2,000 engineers, service discoverability and access to API documentation are important problems at Wayfair. Integrations between systems require close coordination and overhead, making these kinds of projects expensive and brittle. To address this problem, we sought to surface OpenAPI documentation in our Backstage Service Catalog.

We will discuss how over 175 API specifications are shared amongst teams at Wayfair. Our solution leverages the Kubernetes API, together with our home-grown tool for project generation, to programmatically surface OpenAPI files for inspection in Backstage. Backstage is a service catalog and developer portal recently released as open source by Spotify. Our work has had immediate service discoverability benefits for developers across our enterprise, with thousands of API doc page views since it launched. Of course, our work is never complete! As the solution rolled out, we discovered a lot of complexity in the space of surfacing API docs. We'll discuss some of the problems we've encountered, as well as the solutions we're trying, along the way. These problems include: whether to support code-first or schema-first development; how to store API schemas; and how to enforce versioning as part of the CI/CD pipeline. At the end of the talk, we want the audience to have a good understanding of the benefits of service discoverability, as well as the trade-offs inherent in making API specs discoverable.

Presented by Harsha Reddy and Zoe Song

Harsha Reddy: Engineer on the Service to Service platform team at Wayfair. I am building a modern security ecosystem for the Service oriented world and am educating developers to follow best practices for the same. Making developers' life easi”er” is what I consider awesome GIF, emoji enthusiast. Love good hard hikes without any creepy crawlies

Zoe Song: On the Developer Experience team. Working on Backstage at Wayfair, that is the go-to place for discovering services, creating resources, and executing workflows. Tap water enthusiast.

Participating Groups: Atlanta, Austin, Boston, Kansas City, Las Vegas, Phoenix, Portland, San Diego, Seattle, Utah, Vancouver

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