2020 Meetups

Building lightning fast search with Meilisearch

Building lightning fast search with Meilisearch

MeiliSearch is a powerful, fast, open-source, easy to use and deploy search engine. Both searching and indexing are highly customizable. Features such as typo-tolerance, filters, and synonyms are provided out-of-the-box.

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Open Sourcing Mental Illness

Open Sourcing Mental Illness

Years ago, Ed Finkler opened up and told the community about his struggles with depression and anxiety. Fast forward today, and he has successful led a group of passionate people in an organization called Open Sourcing Mental Illness.\n\nThis talk will focus on our efforts as an organization, where we have been, where we are going and also dive into some numbers and stories along the way. While this is a heavier talk, I tend to inject humor where I can to keep it light while still delivering an …

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New MySQL Features That You May Have Missed

New MySQL Features That You May Have Missed

MySQL has gone to a continuous release cycle so that new features are added several times a year. This quickly provides a better product to customers. The news about these new facets may have escaped your notice if you were not paying attention. So you may have missed the addition of hash joins, multi-valued indexes, the ability to validate JSON documents before the are stored, dual passwords, the clone replication tool, and other improvements. This session will cover not only what is new, but h …

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Anti-Patterns in PHP

Anti-Patterns in PHP

PHP is one of the easiest programming languages to use ever and powers more than half of the internet. With this ease of use, certain common patterns emerge that become harmful. This is especially true when your product or service is not expected to die soon. Some anti-patterns are coding, others are related to operating your service, especially with new docker stacks. We will go over some of the most common pitfalls with a focus on enterprise development.

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Deployments and CodeScanning with Github

Deployments and CodeScanning with Github

Github Actions have been in general release for almost a year now. How far have we come in that time and what is left to do? Let's take a deep dive into several new features to have recently come out of Github. Last time we covered some other deployment options, but how does it compare? Come join the discussion this month with your friendly local user group. Live chat on YouTube or watch Zoom.

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What's new in PHP 8.0

What's new in PHP 8.0

From attributes and named arguments to union types and a JIT, there's a lot of new functionality large and small landing in PHP 8, due out around Thanksgiving. We'll take a look at the highlights, as well as backward compatibility breaks to be aware of prior to upgrading.

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Turbocharged Development with Docker, PHPStorm, and Xdebug

Turbocharged Development with Docker, PHPStorm, and Xdebug

My name is James, and I have a confession to make: I've been a var_dump()er my whole life. I tried Xdebug once years back, but a chance brush with social media from its author prompted the question: is Xdebug still relevant? Is it hard to set up? In a modern developer world of Docker containers and advanced IDEs, it was time to revisit how we go about writing software at Jump24 - in this talk, I'll set up Xdebug on a test project and show you how you can turbocharge your development like we did …

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Participating Groups: Atlanta, Austin, Boston, Kansas City, Las Vegas, Phoenix, Portland, San Diego, Seattle, Utah, Vancouver

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